NIKKI SIXX On Girlfriend KAT VON D: 'I Finally Met My Other Half'

June 22, 2008

MTLEY CRE will play its first show in a year later today (Sunday, June 22) when it headlines the second day of the Heavy MTL festival in Montral, Canada. Bassist Nikki Sixx has checked in with the following update:

"Katherine [26-year-old tattoo artist Kat Von D the star of the TLC reality series 'L.A. Ink' and Sixx's current girlfriend; Sixx is 49 years old] has been going over all my old tattoos and re-coloring them, re-outlining them and just re-doing a lot of them. We're about 50% done. After so may years of sun, fun and putting them through hell, it's amazing what they look like now better than new, just fucking bad-ass, to be honest

"She has done a huge piece on my right ribcage it's an angel I took a photo of in a cemetery when I was in Milan, Italy. Underneath it from my lower back wrapping around to my lower stomach it says 'Los Angeles.' The detail blows my mind She's just about finished with portraits of all my children on my left calf they cover every inch of my leg. I can just look down whenever I miss them and see their faces. They're all from photos I took of them. Something so personal about having her tattoo my own photography on me. The fact that we're so in love, so in sync and so much on the same path in life makes us even closer during and after the tattoo experience. Obviously, I've never been in love with my tattoo artist before (ha),so this is a pretty big high for both of us. It's all about the ones we love like the tattoo of my grandfather on my left thigh she just finished. You should have seen his face when he saw it I think after 80 years on earth and all he has done and seen, this one totally blew everything else away and blew his mind He's pretty smitten with Kat too that just put him over the top. Hahhaha In fact, we all are. I finally met my other half. Yes, I'm happy as hell. This is gonna be a great year for both of us.

"Her book is just about done. It's one of the best books I've seen on tattooing and all-around art. You have to give this girl props for taking what she loves and spreading the word around the world.

"Off to the gig"

Kat Von D was a guest on the May 21 edition of ABC-TV's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" The entire seven-and-a-half-minute segment, which features Nikki sitting in the audience and chiming in, can be viewed below.

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